Sunday, December 12, 2010

Snowflakes out of polygamy paper???

This is the conversation between me and a store clerk today.

me: Hi, do you sell origami papers here?
him: What? Polygamy papers???
me: O-RI-GA-MI papers
him: oh, origami papers. no, we don't

True story.

The reason I was looking for origami papers is because I am currently in the middle of making paper snowflakes, for no particular reason, except coz Christmas is right around the corner and I miss snow. So, the next best thing? Paper snowflakes.

So, I started making a few, and decided to use some to decorate a present that I'm giving to my friend later this week as an early Christmas present.

I like it! Hope my friend will like it too. Happy early Christmas present giving to you who celebrates it!!!

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