Tuesday, December 7, 2010

Intimate Thanksgiving Lunch

Thanksgiving was almost two weeks ago, and we haven't had the chance to post the Thanksgiving Lunch that we held for our client. But it's better late than never right? So, here's the post about the Thanksgiving Lunch we held for our client two weeks ago.

1QL is responsible for all the decoration with a red and orange ambience. With pom poms, cut out autumn leaves and a Thanksgiving wreath.

It was an intimate lunch with the usual Thanksgiving menu: Apple Cider, homemade pumpkin soup, macaroni schotel, Turkey with cranberry sauce (sad to say, it was store bought), stuffing, and mashed potatoes. And for dessert a homemade peach honeycomb ice cream - our signature dessert. You must try it to believe it. =)
All in all, it was a successful event, with yummy food and great conversations. Good food, good meat, good God, let's eat!

Some words of sponsor: One Queen's Lane is available to plan and decorate your intimate events. Send us an email at onequeenslane@gmail.com or on our facebook page.

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