Thursday, December 30, 2010

Hope for 2011

The last day of 2010 is upon us. 

2010 was a big year for us, it was the year when 1QL is really established and gained more readers Thank you to all who have been reading our blog all this time, we do appreciate your interest and loyalty. The purpose of this blog is to share with you all the prettiness out there in the world, especially in the wedding industry in Indonesia. We hope to have all the A-list wedding vendors from all over the country and hand pick real awesome weddings to feature on our blog so you can be inspired.

Our hope for 2011 is to be the go-to-blog for wedding inspiration in Indonesia. And our hope our readers is to be inspired by our blog.

With that, we wish you the best New Year and hope that your New Year's Eve is filled with prettiness complete with sugar, spice and everything nice.

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