Saturday, October 16, 2010

Featured Wedding Photographer - Ira Lippke

Here at 1QL, we are not only inspired by beautiful things but also by beautiful people all around the world. But when you come across a beautiful person that also creates beautiful things... then it's a no brainer that they are worthy to be mentioned here in 1QL.

Ira Lippke is a world renowned wedding photographer, has received many awards and has shot weddings all around the world! His photos are simply stunning, check out some of his work below!

Junebug Weddings recently featured him in a full fledged interview. When I read the interview, I was very moved because he mentioned that his all time favorite wedding location was a wedding that he shot in Bingin Beach, Bali. Coming from a renowned photographer that has basically seen and shot photographs most of the world, that is HUGE.
Check out the full interview here
Aside from shooting astonishing weddings, Ira does a lot of humanitarian work. Believe it or not, Ira was one of the first westerners that went to Banda Aceh in December 2004 as a volunteer right after the Tsunami occurred. Wow!! This was mentioned in the interview with Junebug Weddings, as well. I was truly humbled by this fact. Being an Indonesian, I've never even been to the ground zero of Tsunami in Banda Aceh!
{Ira (far right) and his friends about to leave Banda Aceh after days of volunteering}
If you want to see their full journey, click here

So, if you are looking for a prominent wedding photographer, consider Ira Lippke and you'll be glad to know that you're not only hiring a professional photographer, but also you will be contributing to his humanitarian work as well.

{images taken from Junebug Weddings and Samuel Lippke}

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