Tuesday, February 16, 2010

You Need to Chill The Effin' Out

Below entry is fiction. Does not depict a particular person. We swear! (sort of)

Have you ever felt that your subordinates are not good enough? Like, all the time?

Have you ever felt like you are the smartest, the most experienced and yet, you are the most awesome coz you're the youngest among the bunch?

Have you ever felt that you can get away with your pretty-but-so-pale-look-not-
to-mention-your-VPL-stamp-on-your-butt to attract bees which, coincidentally, is your boss?

Have you ever thought about your subordinates who spend long nights at work, just to hear your comment in the morning "umm..fix this. The data are all wrong, you misunderstood what I said. Be ready in 10min?"?

Have you ever felt like you are the coolest, that you never want to eat/buy anything locally made, underestimate your subordinates coz they shop at carrefour instead of kemchicks, make fun of your driver coz he drinks coffee at warungs instead of sbux?

Have you ever asked your subordinates "what's the projected income on year 3?" When it is clearly written on page five as "Projected income on Year 3"?




Maybe you're our boss.

You suck BIG time.

You're welcome.

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