Monday, February 15, 2010

An introduction to Shosanna Rive

Hey all,

so we got a really special guest blogger here. She's one of our good friend in life, and aside from having a terrific voice and cool dance moves, she's also one hell of a talented photographer! (Did I hear an echo of "The Sartolialist" Indonesia?). Allow us to introduce Shosanna Rive and read on to see what she has to say to make the world a better place!

Thanks Shosanna, you're super cool. Karaoke soon? :)

On February 15, 2010, Shosanna Rive wrote;

I have been given a great honor to be the first guest blogger here at Onequeenslane, where I - similar to Anne Laure and Marie Elise - share the passion to write about the everyday life.
Before I do that, let me share a bit about myself. I am Shosanna Rive, and I am an aspiring photographer, a wannabe world traveler, but unfortunately is just a regular 9-5 worker for now. Yea yea, mock all you want…. mark my words world; I will be all of one of those very soon! To tell you the truth, I am not much of a writer but you know what they say – a picture’s worth a thousand words – and since I am an aspiring photographer, it fits perfectly.
For this blog, I will start with two pictures as per below (please don’t take into account the quality of the pictures as it was taken by my phone):

Designer shoes!!!! Love ‘em / hate ‘em? In this case, I HATE ‘EM! I mean come on dude…..seriously???? Now don’t get me wrong, I like pretty things and I dream to have many many many designer bags and shoes but in this case, NO NO NO! First of all, it’s a guy, second of all he wore them in two CONSECUTIVE days, third – and most importantly - those shoes should not be worn unless you are one of two people described below:
1. A pimp
2. A professional, famous person that plays sports

So gals, if you have any guy friends/husbands/colleagues that wear those kinds of designer shoes, please stop them before they suffer from public embarrassment and burn their shoes!!!!

‘Nuff said!

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