Thursday, September 30, 2010

Wedding Inspiration - Jakarta

Jakarta, Indonesia - Starting with a few cars and a little bit of rain... suddenly...GRIDLOCK!  On Monday, we drove for 2... wait... 2.5 hours just to go the 2KM distance from our office to the mall. At times we just want to b*tch about it but let's stay positive about it people. We've come to a conclusion a long time ago that despite the crazy traffic jam and even crazier drivers, we still love our home town. Like us in One Queen's Lane, we got inspired by the city. In the car, we feel that everywhere we look, we see the colour -- ORANGE. Orange in our Bajajs, our Metro Minis, our Busway, our Angkots, and now that we think about it, even our football team wears orange. I'd say... CUTESY!
 And the inspiration that comes along with it...
Now, don't you love Jakarta now?

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