Saturday, September 25, 2010

Real Celebrity Wedding: Coco + James

Ladies! Here's a treat for you.
Coco Rocha's wedding is every little girl's dream wedding: A two-day event, set on a private, French Chateau Challain, wearing a custom Zac Posen wedding dress that fits you to the tee, great food, lovely wine, and most importantly, loved ones that are willing to fly across the Atlantic to see you marry the man of your dreams....Coco has got it all! She's one lucky lady, and James is one lucky man!

When we saw this video, our hearts melted. L-O-V-E the fact that they made it into a documentary type of wedding video. I think everybody should do that for their wedding video. And when the time comes, I sure as hell am gonna do my wedding video that way. Pure. Genius.

Oh and, the French Chateau Challain is actually rent-able for weddings. Be Still My Heart! Go to their website for more info.

Coco + James // Teaser from Americana Cinema on Vimeo.

Coco + James // Short film from Americana Cinema on Vimeo.

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