Thursday, September 2, 2010

Our first video post! Real Wedding - Jennifer & Erick

You might remember our first Real Wedding post of Jennifer and Erick's wedding posted here. They actually just got their pictures from their photographer - a little late, I know, that is why we are not mentioning his name here as he is the most unprofessional photographer!

We wanted to try to post a video and thought it would be great to post a photo clip of some of Jen and Erick's pictures from the photographer.

I love love love love - and did I mention love - Dave Matthews Band. They are pure geniuses and somehow their songs always give me the goosebumps especially this song titled "You & Me". The lyrics are so powerful and it's totally perfect for Jen and Erick's photo clip.

Sorry about the low resolution...due to a slow connection, I can't afford to upload the high resolution pictures since it'll take for-e-ver (no kidding).

Enjoy! :)

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