Thursday, January 28, 2010

A Jumble of Thoughts

Yowza! These days, my weekends consist of wedding invitations, wedding invitations, and yes, more wedding invitations. Sometimes, 2 weddings in 1 day. But you know, wedding is a necessity when you're my age. As much as I want to be happy for them, honestly, I felt a pang of jealousy. HALT! I forgot that this is not a personal blog. Surely there are things that I can share about this "majestic" event to you.

Uh-huh! Got it! The next discussion will focus on "how not to be a party pooper on your own bachelorette party". So here's some tips for those of you who would like to hold a bachelorette party for your dear friend and yes, tips for the bachelorettes themselves.

I went to a few bachelorette parties and concluded that the most important thing that you must take into account is the Bride-to-be. First of all, this IS her party. You better cater that party to better suit her mood, k. Don't go on giving a little goody two-shoes some wild and slutty party or the opposite, giving some party animal a pink sweet bubbly and cutesy bridal shower.

Real life examples: our friend, Lisette Tatou, just got married last October. Anne and I gave her a crazy bachelorette party. Since Lis is a party-lovin' chick, we decided to dress her in this animal print, very tight, mini cong-sam dress. On top of the must-have tiara and veil, we gave her a huge whip. Next, we went to a club and danced the night away. In fact, she loved the props so much, she almost went out wearing that dress again!

Now, this next example is a little bit sad. But I must tell it to prove my point! So, anyways, we have a friend. She is, what people say, very 'proper'. Sweet, always talk slowly, beautiful and elegant, poised, and everything else in between. Our other friend, trying to be a good friend, planned a party for this bride-to-be. Aaaaaww...NOT. Well, to cut the story short, it ended like this: the bride-to-be, wearing a hideous costume with crazy make up, sitting in the middle of a cafe that strategically enough sits in the middle of a mall, crying. The guests, including us, all played with our respective Blackberries. a-w-k-w-a-r-d...

On the other hand, future bachelorettes, please appreciate your friends' good will. They only do it because they cared. So, don't cry or get angry. Just enjoy and hope no one recognizes you. OKAY...

Règle simple de filles
Read: Single girls rule! haha...

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