Monday, July 5, 2010

Talk about something sweet

Hey readers!

First and foremost, we are truly truly sorry for the super long hiatus! We are still on our early stage of setting this up and not to mention we are a regular human being (read: corporate slave) who are tangled in our own professional life. So please bear with us while we are finding our true soul in this blogging world :)

One thing that we are definitely not confused of is our love for weddings. Albeit how small or big, weddings always get us in our melancholy mood. Happy, sad, bittersweet, nervous; all those feelings are intertwined beautifully in one day where two lovebirds saying "I do".

So talk about something at One Queen's Lane, we think nothing is sweeter than a wedding. Celebrating two people's love for each other in front of your closest family and friends (okay, sometimes this is not the case in Jakarta) is simply, as Giada de Laurentiis would say, de-light-ful!

If you are thinking about having your wedding in the near future (or way ahead, its never wrong to plan ahead!), and you happen to love the color blue, this might just be the blog post for you. We have put together a classy and elegant blue wedding inspiration board for you to start up your wedding planning.

We create this especially for our dear friend who is getting married next year. Notice how you can incorporate different shades of blue in every little detail such as: the sole of your shoes, table cloths, your selection of china or even as simple as a ribbon that ties your wedding favors. We, at One Queen's Lane, think that the details are what counts, they are what makes your wedding personal and that's the way we like it!

pictures courtesy of stylemepretty, junebugweddings and oncewed

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