Thursday, March 4, 2010


My Favorite Things - OST Sound of Music

Raindrops on roses and whiskers on kittens,
bright copper kettles and warm woolen mittens,
brown paper packages tied up with strings,
these are a few of my favorite things.

Cream colored ponies and crisp apple strudels,
door bells and sleigh bells and schnitzel with noodles.
Wild geese that fly with the moon on their wings.
these are a few of my favorite things.

Girls in a white dresses with a blue satin sashes,
snowflakes that stay on my nose and eyelashes,
silver white winters that melt into springs,
these are a few of my favorite things.

When the dog bites, when the bee stings,
when I'm feeling sad,
I simply remember my favorite things,
and then I don't feel so bad.

Although I am not a nun/governess nor have any interest in yodeling or singing all of my speech , I must say that Maria's favorite things sound good to me! Well, today's blog talks about my TOP 10 favorite things. Hope you can relate!

Not in a particular order, here they are, mon préférée:

1. Nothing beats a well-planned road trip with my girl friends listening to cool summer song like “Put Your Records On” by Corrine Bailey Rae, or Rock-ish beat like “Las Vegas” by INXS, or a classic tune like “Every Breath You Take” by the Police. Can we do it soon, girls? Pretty please?

2. On a more melancholic side, I looooooooovvvee seeing the tress change its colors. Really miss the feelings now that I live in a continent with “green” season all year long. Boohoo…

3. Smelling the aroma of coffee near the laundry room. Yea, weird! I don’t know, something about the smell of coffee and detergent combined. It’s like magical, like wasabi, can really opens up your nasal track and gives you that feeling down the memory lane. Try it!

4. Wearing clothes freshly out of the dryer. Me likey… it’s warm and comforting. Feels like sleeping late on a rainy day. Awww, don’t know I’m THAT romantic.

5. Capturing beautiful pictures with my camera, Estegon (short for Esteban Gonzales). That burly man can really take sweet pictures.

6. Breakfast in a farmer’s market. So, it’s 10 a.m., you haven’t took a shower yet, but you look great with your fresh face and scrunched up hair. So you pull up your leggings, plop in a worn-out t-shirt, slide in to your Amelia Earhart style leather jacket, and slip in to your riding boots. With just your paper and couple of bucks on your hand, you go inside a farmer’s market, order a hot cup of Java and a poppy-seed muffin. YUM! Doesn’t sound like me but I hope someday it does.

7. Ribbons... argh love ‘em much! The ones with the polkadots, the one with the checkered pattern, et cetera… et cetera… use them for your gift wrapping, for decorations, for your head. Cutesy!

8. Hampton’s style houses. Have you seen Meryl Streep’s and Alec Baldwin’s “It’s Complicated” or Jack Nicholson’s and Diane Keaton’s “Something’s Gotta Give”? Remember their houses? Mm.-hmmm that’s how my future crib is going to look like. Mark that… American Country style houses are the best. It’s like holiday every day in the house. Just staying in the kitchen gives me the ability to do anything; I think I’ll start with a big hearty full American breakfast or maybe a pecan pie. Mm…Let’s see when I actually get one.

9. Grooming is kinda fun. Basically putting YOU in order. Trim here… trim there… cut here.. cut there… wax here… wax there… OUCH! But, seriously, do a regular maintenance to yourself. You’ll feel great afterward, feels like you are worth it!

10. Watching Fashion TV while doing my runs. Those hot legs could really motivate me. Seeing their apparent ribs somehow compensates my excesses. Yea yea…

That’s it? I feel like I could pour 10 more of my favorite things. Speaking of which, did you see Kara’s bib necklace on American Idol’s Top 10 girls night? HOT!


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