Tuesday, July 20, 2010

Take on the high road


take note. This is what your attitude should be when you just broke up because of whatever reasons. In this case it's Kelly Osbourne's. This is the quote taken from her in Closer Magazine.

"As everyone has probably heard by now, my fiancĂ© Luke and I are no longer together. I’ve sat here for a couple of days thinking about what it is I want to say publicly. At first I wanted to tell everyone everything and completely bash him because I’m hurt and angry. But at the end of the day, the truth is I did love Luke and that’s all that matters.

“I kept up my side of the bargain and kept my side of the street clean, and no amount of male stupidity and no number of slutty girls are going to change that. Sitting here, bashing him and telling the world how horrible I feel doesn’t get either of us anywhere. It’s just time to be positive about my new life and to move onwards and upwards.”

taken from perezhilton.com

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