Thursday, April 7, 2011

Peanut Butter & Jelly Photography - DEBUT

Hi readers, hang on to your seats. Oh boy, have we got a show for you! 

Tonight, we'd like to introduce you to a new division of One Queen's Lane.  We have been thinking about starting a photography line for a long time and finally, we have got the chance to do one. Meet "Peanut Butter & Jelly Photography". We are specializing in family and kids photography. Just as the name has suggested, we offers our clients an all-round first class treatment in an exhilarating photo taking experience!  It's okay, I myself also don't get what I've just said. 

Lemme break it down to you. When I said first class treatment, I mean we will make you and your family feel comfortable; so comfortable in fact that you won't even feel you are being photographed. We're nice peeps and kids LOVE us. I quote, "I've never seen her adapt to people so easily" -- says a mother whose baby is  bonding too quickly with the cute photographers. 

Basically, an interested family can contact One Queen's Lane anytime they need PbJ's service. PbJ will receive the ideas that the family has in mind. One Queen's Lane will then take the idea up a notch. We will prepare the inspiration board and a fee proposal. Once agreed, the rest is history.

Please find a few samples of the photos that we just took last week. Enjoy!


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