Thursday, August 12, 2010

Featured Wedding Photographer - Our Labor of Love

Ok, it's probably pretty obvious by now that we love GOOD, and only GOOD wedding photography here at 1QL. Though we are trying to promote local wedding photographers in our blog but I just have to share with you all one wedding photographer that blows our mind with their images. Our Labor of Love is a husband and wife team of wedding photographers based in Atlanta, GA, USA. I was originally introduced to their work by my sister who was looking for a photographer to capture her wedding day pics back in 2008. I was blown away by their amazing work and have been following their blog ever since.

OLOL captures real emotions in their photographs, as a result their pictures turn out AMAZING.

On top of that, I don't know what camera/lens/filters they use but just look at the colors in their pictures. Pure awesomeness!!!! It's vintage, modern, romantic, the whole nine yards!

If you are a fan of good wedding photography, then you have to check them out .....just don't do it during office hours 'coz you might spend the whole day looking at wedding pictures from OLOL.

{all images taken from OLOL's blog}


  1. it's very easy to have such colours on your photo...but i sugggest you to use DSLR camera to shoot normally, then you can play little bit with Photoshop (PS).
    If you are not familiar also with PS, just learn the basic of it, then add "actions" or plug-ins in PS..with one get such a vintage tone.
    FYI, those "actions" sometimes are free if you google them, but most of beacutiful ones include payment.

  2. and oh..those pics are from max wanger rite ?

  3. @Madame Trepin: Thanks for the tips! Will definitely try it. All of the pics are taken from Our Labor of Love's blog. But the 2nd picture from the top is of Max Wanger, I believe.
