Saturday, December 11, 2010

Winter winter, how I miss you

Back when I was still attending college, I mostly loathe winter because I had to walk everywhere on campus, and the thought of putting all those layers of clothes and taking it all off when you're in class for 40 minutes, then you have to put it all back on to walk 10 minutes to your other class is just too troublesome. Not to mention the day after snow sludge created by cars: it's brown, it's wet, it's yucky.

But nowadays, when it's always summer all year long in Indonesia, I do miss winter, especially during the holidays. The images below summarizes pretty much everything that I miss about winter. Bonfires, hot cocoa, ice skating, Christmas lights, and of course, wearing the beautiful (and bulky-so-you-don't-have-to-suck-in-your-stomach) winter clothes. Beautiful pictures! And how cute are the kids in their winter clothes?? Aawww!


 {all taken by Geneve Hoffman found via The Sweetest Occasion}

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