Sunday, December 19, 2010

Real Wedding - Ike & Boyke

We featured Ike & Boyke's engagement here back in October and now we are excited to feature their traditional wedding ceremony. It started with a one day event of 'siraman' and 'pengajian' and followed the next day with a Palembang traditional wedding ceremony. The Photograph did a wonderful job once again, capturing all the pretty details that a traditional wedding offers and all the candid moments between Ike, Boyke and their families.

Congrats to Ike & Boyke once again! You guys are stunning together!


I totally love this picture of Ike. So stunning!! My favorite picture of the bunch!

So I asked Ike what this was all about, why her brother had to carry so many pots and pans. And she said that it was part of tradition. Since Ike is the first child to be married in her family, this symbolizes that it would make way for her younger sisters to meet their match. The guests would fight over the pots and pans, to symbolize how men would fight over Ike's sisters. How cute!  

Be sure to check out The Photograph's website for more of their awesome work!

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