Thursday, July 29, 2010

Anxiety Attack During Your Wedding a.k.a. BRIDEZILLA!

I'm gonna stuck with him for the rest of my life??/ Arrrgh! What do the future in-laws want now! / Hello... yes, I would like to order a wedding cake for my wedding please... mm hmm... yes it's for 30th of July 2015 / Mm... Gisele is way too pretty to be my bridesmaid, I should kick her off / What's that thread doing at the end of my humongous dress / Call my florist STAT! She's missing a stem/ You're wearing THAT Valentino red dress to my wedding? No, I still think the drapy no-brand last-season dress suits you better / Okay and cue the music please... aaaand okay Pastor, GO! Honey, GO! Groomsmen, GO! Bridesmaids, GO! Dad, you stand here okay, wait for my cue.. okay let's go! Ooops, almost forgot to hide my communication earpiece / Honey, just use my vow that I've already written for you. Memorize it and speak it loud and clear. You could even add tears, not cry though, just choke a little bit, okay. Practice it and be perfect. Love you Hon, can't wait to be your wife

If you're planning to get married and you've said or thought of the sentences above or something similar to the above. Ooooh boy... sorry to break it to you love, but you're a bridezilla. I'm not here to judge you... I know planning a wedding could be scary as hell. It's very normal to have fear or to worry about things, but don't let the simplest stimulus triggers your anxiety. It's not worth it... seriously speaking. You gotta have faith that your wedding would go smoothly; in fact isn't the joining of the bride and groom, the most important thing of a wedding? So the happiness of you and your husband-to-be should be the only thing that matters. Let's try to focus on the essence of the wedding instead of the materialistic things surrounding them. Yes, I get that you want your wedding to be perfect so you can boast about it to your children. The key is to not do things at the very last minute but also not too long before, until you get tired of planning. Rely on your family (pick only the cool ones, and let's leave your and his parents out of this) and a bunch of good friends (repeat: your true sincere friends) to help take a little part of your wedding prep.

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