Saturday, January 9, 2010

Hello 2010!

Hello folks. First of all, let us introduce ourselves. We are two Indonesian girl who seriously have some thoughts and opinions that we feel we need to share to the whole wide world. Our opinions will mainly revolve around people, place, fashion, etc…just general things in life. We usually have our conversation over coffee. But we really really really want to be a good citizen of the world and contribute our thoughts in writing so that the world can be a better place! Don’t expect us to write nicely. We give praises when we can, but when it is time for constructive criticism, we can snap!

Marie-Elise and I have been friends since we were kid. We are currently in our 20s (late ones…sigh) and we are an avid follower of nice pretty things around the world; travel, photography, style and last but not least, our super duper divine recipes from our beloved grandma Marjorie.Our least favorite things? Denim head-to-toe (a no no unless you're above 55), men with bulging biceps wearing skin-tight "playboy" white tees (yuck!), men who wears crocs with BOLD colors (cute...NOT!), girls who wear foundations only on their face therefore exposing a serious skin tone difference between the face and neck (sad), VPL VPL VPL (nuff' said) and last but not least; stuck up people who are full of themselves and think they are all that..they dont! we are!

So sit back, relax and enjoy the ride. We’ll bring the world to you!

Disclaimer: this blog is written to simply express our thoughts and opinions. Not intended to pinpoint at anyone/anything. If you are that sensitive, then you’re just one click away to

heureuse nouvelle année et d'être fabuleux!

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