Saturday, January 30, 2010

Dries Van Noten Spring 2010

Known for his eclectic, decorative pieces without going overboard and complicated, here's the preview of Dries Van Noten Spring 2010. Prepare to drool over these pieces which were crafted over extensive research throughout Asia. You can also see some resemblance from Indonesia own geometric print alias batik. Need we say more?

Image taken from

Trop mignon!

Thursday, January 28, 2010

A Jumble of Thoughts

Yowza! These days, my weekends consist of wedding invitations, wedding invitations, and yes, more wedding invitations. Sometimes, 2 weddings in 1 day. But you know, wedding is a necessity when you're my age. As much as I want to be happy for them, honestly, I felt a pang of jealousy. HALT! I forgot that this is not a personal blog. Surely there are things that I can share about this "majestic" event to you.

Uh-huh! Got it! The next discussion will focus on "how not to be a party pooper on your own bachelorette party". So here's some tips for those of you who would like to hold a bachelorette party for your dear friend and yes, tips for the bachelorettes themselves.

I went to a few bachelorette parties and concluded that the most important thing that you must take into account is the Bride-to-be. First of all, this IS her party. You better cater that party to better suit her mood, k. Don't go on giving a little goody two-shoes some wild and slutty party or the opposite, giving some party animal a pink sweet bubbly and cutesy bridal shower.

Real life examples: our friend, Lisette Tatou, just got married last October. Anne and I gave her a crazy bachelorette party. Since Lis is a party-lovin' chick, we decided to dress her in this animal print, very tight, mini cong-sam dress. On top of the must-have tiara and veil, we gave her a huge whip. Next, we went to a club and danced the night away. In fact, she loved the props so much, she almost went out wearing that dress again!

Now, this next example is a little bit sad. But I must tell it to prove my point! So, anyways, we have a friend. She is, what people say, very 'proper'. Sweet, always talk slowly, beautiful and elegant, poised, and everything else in between. Our other friend, trying to be a good friend, planned a party for this bride-to-be. Aaaaaww...NOT. Well, to cut the story short, it ended like this: the bride-to-be, wearing a hideous costume with crazy make up, sitting in the middle of a cafe that strategically enough sits in the middle of a mall, crying. The guests, including us, all played with our respective Blackberries. a-w-k-w-a-r-d...

On the other hand, future bachelorettes, please appreciate your friends' good will. They only do it because they cared. So, don't cry or get angry. Just enjoy and hope no one recognizes you. OKAY...

Règle simple de filles
Read: Single girls rule! haha...

Sunday, January 17, 2010

Meet Jenna Lyons

When you think of the word “style”, who is the first person that comes through your mind? Could be your mother, sister, a person at work-whom-you-secretly-admire-and-hope-that-you-have-the-same-sense-of-style-and-budget..ouch!

Well, in my Jenna Lyons (well, another one is Olivia Palermo, but I’ll save her for another blog entry). She’s currently the Senior Vice President of women’s design at JCrew. The person JCrew must thank for revolving the brand into one of the top of retail-to-go amidst the 2008-present economic crisis. What is so special about her and what is so special about JCrew that we must even dedicate an entry for her and the brand (not to mention the First Lady herself is avid follower)? Read on…

Graduated from Parsons in 1990, Jenna has the capability and impeccable style that translate a trend to stack of clothes and accessories that is elegant, stylish, and approachable! When I enter another synonymous American clothing giant, I always feel indifference. Like there is nothing new to it. Khakis, whites, colors, yada yada yada. On the other hand, when you enter JCrew, it’s like finding a clothing heaven. I can never understand how a shirt top can excite me so much, not to mention the shoes, the necklace, the dresses, and oh..they have bridal section too!!
JCrew is driving me wild with its ruffles top, delicate beading and ribbons, funky patterns, chunky necklaces, bracelets, rings, and oh-so-cute shoes, I can seriously go wild at JCrew!

Jenna does not only build a cult over her clothing style, but also her interior style as well. Her Brooklyn townhouse has been featured in Domino (RIP) and Living Etc (British and Jakarta version). Her quote on how she managed to turn their Brooklyn house into their dream house: “My trick has been to approach each area like putting together an outfit. You might start with an old pair of jeans, a cashmere cardigan, or a floral belt, and work around that central fashion statement."´Now that’s what I called my fashion guru!

Click here for Huffington Post cover on Jenna:

Now..if only I can nudge someone to bring JCrew to Jakarta…

Jenna, le monde vous remercie!

Thursday, January 14, 2010

A Girl Gotta Do What A Girl Gotta Do

Thank you Anne-Laure for your wonderful introduction. But seriously, I need to expand on the VPL thing that you’ve mentioned earlier. Last weekend, I went dancing with my girls. There sat a skinny gal with an a-okay face and gorgeous hair. She was wearing this skin-tight-nude-colored-mini dress. I thought she could be featured on our blog in the “best-dressed” list. But man o man was I wrong. She and her girlfriend decided to rock the floor by climbing the bar and started dancing. There I saw ugly excess fats sitting next to the panty lines staring straight back at me. It’s sweet that your partner accepts you just the way you are, but half of this world can’t!Sorry.

Good thing this blog exists, coz I got a recommendation to make. My favorite is La Senza’s lacy collections. There you can buy affordable, pretty, sexy, and very comfortable thongs. They come in lots of cute colors and since the cotton is very soft, they won’t cause a “wedgie” feeling.

Or if you must, wear something seamless puh-leeez! Anne-Laure loves Marks and Spencers’ seamless bikini panty. I believe that there are lots and lots of good undies out there. We need to see your booties and not your bulges. So, come one, let’s make a world a better place. When you decide to wear that tight dresses / pants / skirts, you’d better start your shopping soon. Well, good to have that matter solved. For those girls who understand, the world thanks you.

Anyways, 2010 is here! Woo hoo… I actually don’t want to mention this but have you got yourself a list of New Year resolutions? I know lots of people think that resolution is so cliché. They say resolutions / rules / promises are made to be broken; but I beg to differ. In my opinion, having a resolution could actually motivate us to become a better person. Now, survey says that the most often made resolution is to lose weight (mine too unfortunately). On that thought, I listened to some simple tips yesterday from E! Channel. The tips are initially titled “To get a healthy glow”; but if we follow these simple steps (along with our determination and support from family and friends), we could also lose some pounds.

The tips are:
  • - Eat fruits (red/orange/yellow colored or avocado) and green leafy greens.
  • - Drink lots of water
  • - Avoid oily / sweet food
  • - Combine your meal with lean fish and chicken
  • - Choose complex carbs (i.e. yam/sweet potato)

I know it’s kinda D’UH… but hey, if the result is healthy skin and great body, why not try?!

My mottos are:
  • I could eat all of that later when I’m skinny (I’ll see you soon 31 Flavors – Mint chocolate chips ice cream),
  • Everything looks expensive in a great body (this could justify my cheap outfits… yeaaah), and
  • You can guiltlessly bitch about others if you’re HOT.
Oooo.. I’m so excited for this year. I’ll keep you updated on my success.

Ainsi longtemps tous, être vrai pour vous!
(read: So long, be true to yourself!)

Saturday, January 9, 2010

Hello 2010!

Hello folks. First of all, let us introduce ourselves. We are two Indonesian girl who seriously have some thoughts and opinions that we feel we need to share to the whole wide world. Our opinions will mainly revolve around people, place, fashion, etc…just general things in life. We usually have our conversation over coffee. But we really really really want to be a good citizen of the world and contribute our thoughts in writing so that the world can be a better place! Don’t expect us to write nicely. We give praises when we can, but when it is time for constructive criticism, we can snap!

Marie-Elise and I have been friends since we were kid. We are currently in our 20s (late ones…sigh) and we are an avid follower of nice pretty things around the world; travel, photography, style and last but not least, our super duper divine recipes from our beloved grandma Marjorie.Our least favorite things? Denim head-to-toe (a no no unless you're above 55), men with bulging biceps wearing skin-tight "playboy" white tees (yuck!), men who wears crocs with BOLD colors (cute...NOT!), girls who wear foundations only on their face therefore exposing a serious skin tone difference between the face and neck (sad), VPL VPL VPL (nuff' said) and last but not least; stuck up people who are full of themselves and think they are all that..they dont! we are!

So sit back, relax and enjoy the ride. We’ll bring the world to you!

Disclaimer: this blog is written to simply express our thoughts and opinions. Not intended to pinpoint at anyone/anything. If you are that sensitive, then you’re just one click away to

heureuse nouvelle année et d'être fabuleux!